Christian Chalkart

I am excited to recommend Brother Dwight Haynes and his ministry to fellow pastors. People of all ages will be touched by Brother Haynes' presentation of the good news of Jesus Christ! - Rev. Ed Lanning

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Expository Bible Preaching complemented with a vivid chalk art illustration leads to a high-impact ministry for all ages. Click photo for Event Video.

Joyous and refreshing! God-honoring music. Sound expositional message. God used this ministry to reignite a flickering fire! Click photo above for full testimony.

Utilize Gospel Chalk Art for special days, seasonal messages, revival ministries, youth events, children's crusades, Bible camps, Vacation Bible Schools, evangelistic block parties, conferences, and retreats. Click photo above for Gallery.

"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." (Pr. 27:17) Dwight listens with compassion, counsels with wisdom, and challenges believers to focus the community with fresh eyes while preaching Christ. Click photo above for Video.

More about Good News Chalk Talks

Dwight Haynes blends his understanding of God's Word and his artistic talent. His messages speak to the hearts of all ages. Dwight's articulation of biblical truth brings Christians and the lost face-to-face with the Savior. God worked through this ministry to bring about a powerful time of refreshing and revival.